this past sunday was STAR WARS IN CONCERT at the hp pavilion. there was 2 showings, 2 p.m. and 7 p.m. for those of you who didn't go you missed out big time. they had original props in the lobby, people dressed up and everything. it looked like it was about sold out. they wouldn't let you take pics inside the concert so i had to turn off the flash and cover the screen with my hand so they couldn't see the camera, thats why the pics kinda suck. anthony daniels (C-3PO in the movies)nariorated the whole thing.
this weekend was pretty good. me, jacob, carson, and caswell went to sacramento to skate saturday. it was pretty sick seeming how i've never went to sac. before. sunday was bruces (jesses dog) 1st b-day so he had a party for him. all the songs playing were dog related, bruce and sarahs pic. there was a good turnout. something like 15 dogs. we had food and a few dog fights but nothing bad.